Chanel Rion Lands Prime-Time Political Talk Show Host Role with OAN
OAN Greenlights “Fine Point with Chanel Rion”
Going into the Heat of the 2024 Political Season
WASHINGTON, D.C., July 24, 2024 – One America News Network, (“OAN”) announced today that Chanel Rion, OAN's former Chief White House Correspondent, is hosting a new prime-time show. “FINE POINT WITH CHANEL RION” is a one-hour political talk show airing in Prime Time at 6 pm Eastern every weekday.
During her three years as OAN'S Chief White House Correspondent. Rion gained a large and passionate following. Now, Rion's colleague Monica Paige represents OAN at the White House, and will provide OAN viewers with multiple in-depth White House reports each day and live commentary from the North Lawn.
“Chanel Rion is an exceptional investigative journalist and broadcast commentator who has tremendous insights into national politics and a substantial following. Her perspectives of the daily news cycle and upcoming election were dependably insightful when she served as OAN’s Chief White House Correspondent from 2020 to 2023,” stated Charles Herring, president of OAN. Herring adds,
“Rion's very large and passionate prime demographic viewership forms her base and social media presence.
“OAN viewers have asked for years when Chanel would host her own prime-time show.
“We have listened and the time is now.”
Rion covered high-profile stories for OAN from the start. She traveled aboard to cover the Burisma corruption controversy of Hunter Biden and the Biden family in 2019. Rion along with Rudy Giuliani, then the President's lawyer, traveled to Ukraine to interview key witness Viktor Shokin, the fired Ukrainian Prosecutor General who had multiple open investigations involving Burisma and Hunter Biden.
When Congress appeared to be blocking Shokin's testimony, OAN, Rion, and Guiliani traveled to Ukraine with an OAN crew and a former Blackwater security detail and met Shokin in a forest lodge outside Kiev, interviewed him for hours and escaped into the dark on an OAN chartered Learjet after their protection detail alerted that Ukrainian forces had been scouring Kiev for them and were headed to the lodge and would arrest them and confiscate their nearly 24 hours of interview footage.
Rion and Guiliani turned over the Shokin tapes to Republican leaders in Congress. Most Americans remember Shokin was fired after Joe Biden threatened to withhold several billion dollars in US aid from Ukraine if Shokin were not fired at once.
Rion said Shokin was fired because "Shokin as Prosecutor General of Ukraine had been investigating Hunter Biden and Joe Biden's suspected Burisma corruption but the Democrats in the Pelosi congress tried to disappear witnesses while conducting a faux inquiry—a ‘show investigation’ designed not to reveal facts but to conceal and change them. Pelosi's minions were claiming they couldn't get Shokin, a deadly witness against Biden into the US to testify, though Shokin wanted to testify. Shokin, they said, didn't have a US visa. But that was because the DNC run State Department ensured Shokin would never get a US visa—and no wonder—he would certainly sink the Biden corruption game. We did these interviews to destroy the Democrats’ ‘hide the witness’ game and provide the interview."
Soon, Rion gained over 640,000 Twitter followers during the Covid crisis after Rion stood up against what she said was "an utterly ugly anti-Trump, anti-conservative White House Press Corps that tried to bar her and bar OAN and most other conservative media from the White House press briefing room—a bar Rion called "a rank and illegal censorship play against America First initiatives."
"I’ve said early in my White House tenure that not one square foot of the White House, the people's house, belonged to the White House Correspondents’ Association. The WHCA were a nasty private enclave of corporate media boys—and a few girls—trying to suppress all conservative news and views and Trump White House news. I made no friends saying that they lied every day about almost everything, suppressed and ignored stories, and promoted Hoaxes one after another until by the end of President Trump's presidency, he had made 'fake news' standard parlance in America. By 2020 Pew and others showed huge sectors of America across the board no longer trusted the corporate news media and for good cause."
During Covid, Rion attended almost all White House press briefings, most with President Trump in front. When President Trump started calling on Rion the Press Corps tried to evict Rion and OAN from the briefing room.
"I defied the Correspondents’ Association, day after day, hauling my own folding deck chair into the White House, setting it up inside the briefing room without the Association’s permission, wiring myself with a body camera to record any violence that some in the Press Corps might try—they had after all, threatened. I filed Secret Service complaints against some of the antagonists. You can't imagine how the White House Press Corps behaved," Rion said. “It was Animal House in the White House basement. They hated Trump and they were vicious and profane about it. The public had no idea how raw and abusive the hatred was."
"The White House Correspondents had the public fooled," Rion recalls. “They had no actual legal authority inside the White House at all—just that smug private club of effete good old boys asserting themselves." Rion and OAN retained counsel and began planning First Amendment litigation against the White House Correspondents’ Association. Rion soon began attending all White House briefings at the personal invitation of the White House itself. Then Chief of Staff Mark Meadows told her later he had spent quite a bit of his time sorting out the rancor her presence imposed on her opponents in the briefing room.
In 2020, Rion established The National White House Correspondents’ Association, a rival organization to counteract the old White House Correspondents’ Association and began recruiting conservative journalists including John Solomon’s Just the News and Epoch Times to become members in her new organization.
Media rivals objected that Rion was called on constantly by President Trump. According to The Daily Mail and Rolling Stone Magazine she had become "the President's favorite reporter" which led several news groups to organize smear and takedown campaigns against her which backfired—"a campaign that conservatives loved," Rion recalls.
“Unfortunately, for the smearsters, there was nothing to report. I didn't even drive then, I didn’t even have a traffic ticket or the slightest misadventure with the law or any scandal. They had nowhere to go but Fantasyland which is exactly where they went.” But the smears only grew Rion’s profile. "Right after this happened, Eric Trump congratulated me with a ‘welcome to the club.’"
Rion broke another story shortly after receiving copies of Hunter Biden’s hard drive from Rudy Guiliani. Hunter Biden, she revealed, had fallen severely behind on his taxes per documents found on Hunter's hard drive which she had. Yet, evidence also showed that Hunter was generating millions by arguably selling the goodwill of the United States and of the Vice-President's office to line his pockets with corrupt cash.
"At FINE POINT we want you to always have an engaging time getting to the bottom of the news and the convoluted narratives. We will enunciate new perspectives, read between the narratives, find out, and tell you by finding out surprising things other media cover-up or won't tell you.
"OAN is dedicated to being your real news alternative—as it always has been. I am proud and honored by this opportunity. I will work tirelessly to bring fresh perspectives to the old talking points.”
Rion, born in Houston, Texas is of English, Scotts-Irish, French, and German ancestry and her mother is South Korean. Rion, homeschooled and tutored, grew up in Texas and Missouri, lived in France and Korea and before joining OAN, spent six years in Boston and Cambridge during college where she graduated from Harvard University in International Relations.
About One America News Network, (“OAN”):
One America News Network, (“OAN”), launched on July 4, 2013 to provide independent and credible U.S. and international news around the clock. OAN network operates news bureaus in Washington, D.C., and California. In addition to its own bureaus the network uses many external newsgathering sources, including US Pool feeds. OAN produces eighteen hours of live news every weekday plus three one-hour prime time weekday talk shows.
OAN and OAN Plus are available to tens of millions of households via cable, over-the-air broadcast, and streaming on leading providers across the nation and around the world. OAN also provides a 24/7 live streaming app branded “OAN Live” that is available on most leading streaming devices. For more information about One America News Network, please visit www.OANN.com.
Chanel Rion was a Chief White House Political Correspondent for One America News Network and is the current host of OAN's Primetime show "FINE POINT." Born in Texas and grew up in Missouri, Texas, and Florida, and overseas—in France and South Korea.
Chanel's upbringing required keeping her schooling at home. Except for her early schooling in France and debate camps at conservative America's famous Patrick Henry College, near Washington D.C., neither she nor her brother or sister ever set foot in a school until university.
"What started this peculiar journey for us was the candidacy of William Clinton in 1996. That year, Clinton ran for reelection against dad's old friend and onetime political mentor, Bob Dole. Clinton was the last straw, so dad picked up stakes and moved us out of the country. I think he wanted us to see what a debauched idea socialism was and that socialism was what the Clintons stood for. He wanted us to see what socialism did in the real world—how it destroyed people and human happiness in practice.
"First, we moved to South Korea, a few miles from the DMZ, where I began the first of the many years it took to learn to speak my mother's native Korean. There, I could look out across the fences into and across the DMZ, past soldiers and guns, at the worse enslavement and torture of human beings on God's earth at this insanity of the total socialist state--at what was the home of a then 14-year-old boy named Kim Jung Un, who was playing somewhere inside this prison camp country; who would soon grow into a madman who would one day die in there when he tried to blow up America and the world, killing millions, including my Korean loved ones in Seoul, just 30 miles from the DMZ. But I didn't know then. It would have been a lot for a child with already much to think about--to think about."
After South Korea, Chanel and her family moved into an ancient strap and gear crossed grain-grinding stone watermill in France, a three-story affair, where farmers in oxcarts and pickups actually brought grain by for grinding. "When winter came," Chanel recalls, "the miller quit and we moved to an unheated stone maison in the hills of a communist farming village in the mountain region of France where we bought goat cheese and baguettes every day from a monastery on the way home from school and where dad again swore we were never returning to the U.S."
Chanel spent her first grade year not speaking English at school where she heard not a word about politics from her presumably communistic first-grade French classmates.
"In my earliest years we lived in Texas, far from town. Dad bought the northernmost part of the King Ranch from an Exxon subsidiary, but there we were," Chanel recalls, "all pine trees and no cattle, a few thousand acres of coastal forests, miles of fence and roads and a bad plan to raise all the horses we could round up if we could ever find them again in the woods brimming with rhinoceros-sized man-eating wild hogs. Not all places are kid-friendly. Little did I guess this was the first of what would became some dramatic personality changing settings for childhood."
Chanel has become known as the best political illustrator in the country for constitutional conservative and anti-leftist causes and as President Trump's most stalwart graphic warrior against leftism.
Chanel has been frequently described as one of Hillary Clinton's "worst nightmares" because she stands as a fierce foe of anything Clinton, of everything Obama, and as a total and unrelenting enemy of academic left-liberalism and political correctness anywhere—she's out to stamp it out and when Chanel skewers the enemy, it can be a powerful thrust—sometimes shocking, always articulate—linguistic and graphic gems that strikes the heart of the insanity of the political left.
"It's brave and it's art and it's political linguistics all in one—one glance and you've got the whole issue burned right into your brain. And these drive the lefties wild; poster-quality silver bullets in the war on fake news and Hollywood—a war our side must win for liberty—theirs and ours."
As a Harvard trained International Relations graduate, some might think Chanel comes from a surprising place to be such a dedicated part of the Trump Army but she has been aboard the Trump Train from its first week and spent 20-hour days during the entire 2016 New Hampshire primary on the ground for the Trump campaign, working the New Hampshire winter, doing her part.
In January 2016, she and Courtland and her own family joined the Trump family and celebrants for the New Hampshire Primary victory gathering at week's end. "We all knew that night at the victory celebration in New Hampshire that this was absolutely going all the way—that we had chosen well."
While producing illustrations for President Trump and family, one of Chanel's illustrations for Donald Trump Jr. was used by him to help win and celebrate the media-historic battle that Don Jr. waged publicly to defeat Rachel Maddow and MSNBC when they tried to smear the Trumps with a fake news "tax expose" using fake documents.
When Don Jr. turned their "fake news" utterly against them, the debacle stained MSNBC and Rachel Maddow forever and ended the phony tax debate categorically by showing the President paid over 28 million dollars in taxes in a single year and that the actual frauds were those of Rachel Maddow and MSNBC.
Don Jr. cited Chanel's work as a proof of how such articulations on social media could be used to defeat the left, fake news and Washington's socialist swamp.
Chanel is also the developer, author, and illustrator of the first three volumes of her traditional girl's mystery series.
Chanel's series promotes not only the spirit of the traditional family but the self-reliance, ingenuity, independence, and strength of American girls who believe in traditional homes, in conservative values, in having faith, and in having traditional lives and futures that encourage families to succeed at home and to create family-centered and home-centric feminine and family enterprises. But this is not the script typically foisted on girls in the name of female independence today. Chanel's series creates a world for girls who want to Make America Great Again the old fashioned way and to raise new generations of the kinds of families that always did. It will not make nail-eating radical feminists happy.
Chanel's "Mystery by Design" series for girls Available January 1 stands apart from the gender-hostile, Hollywood "rip and hate" spirit of radical feminism that has brought so much coldness, pain, failure and disappointment to so many young women whose lives radical feminism has twisted and irreparably ruined with its toxic and confused mental stew of pointless competition, manophobia, hatred, gender-confusion and blame that radical feminism is and has always been about. She rejects it outright and wants as many girls as she can reach to reject it too.
Beyond standards of tradition and ladyship these books offer some rare learning enhancements—vocabulary training to enhance the writing and speaking skills and what linguists call the non-passive or "active vocabulary" for millions of American girls trapped in failing school zones where last year's international test results ranked America in a disgraceful 26th place behind third world countries and in an America where public schools are so lackadaisical and busy failing and bending people's natural genders and changing signs on restrooms, that most don't have time or apparently know-how left to even teach cursive writing anymore—no less to expand vocabularies.
Chanel's books, each of which contain over 1,000 word vocabulary enhancing helps are being offered as language trainers in grim and dedicated rote English-learning venues including China and South Korea.
Chanel is building a summer camp with her "Visit the Real America" outreach that Chanel has been developing as an American conservative cultural initiative to introduce a traditional America to those who cross the seas as visitors.
A few years ago when DeJour Magazine came to Harvard looking for conservatives for a feature, only 12 volunteers could be found on the whole campus who were willing to stand up for conservatism—and Chanel was there front and center.
Chanel is married to Courtland Sykes. Unsurprisingly, he saw the DeJour article and they met at what was a CIA recruiting event at Harvard.
Chanel served as One America News' Chief White House Correspondent for two years under Trump and two years under Biden. She is the founder and curator of Wordebys.com.
Rion founded the National White House Correspondents' Association in April, 2020. She is President and maintains a NWHCA tent on the North Lawn of the White House to this day.